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text. the political system of the usa
1. the united states of america is the greatest capitalist country in the world. the usa is the president republic. it means that the president is the head of the country. the president is elected for 4 years, together with the vice-president, chose for the same term. he cannot be younger than 35 years old and he must have lived in the usa for at least 14 years, and be a civilian. he must do his job according to the constitution. the president cannot serve more than 2 terms.
2. the senate is made up of 100 members (2from each state), elected for a term of 6 years. one third of the senate is elected every 2 years. to be elected a senator, a person must be at least 30 years old and have been a citizen of the country for at least 9 years.
3. the house of representatives comprises representatives from each state, elected for a 2-year term. the number of representatives from each state depends on it population, but every state is represented. to be elected a representative, a person must be at least 25 years of age and have been a citizen of the country for at least 7 years.
4. in general, senators are better known than representatives because they are fewer in number and serve for a longer time. many american presidents served in congress before they became president. presidents john kennedy, lyndon johnson and richard nixon were all representative and then senators before becoming president of the united states.
5. the presiding officer of the senate in the vice-president of the usa. the presiding officer of the house of representatives, the speaker, is elected by the house. the work of preparing and considering laws is done by the committees of both houses. there are 15 standing committees in the senate and 19 in the house of representatives.
6. the job of the congress is to make laws. the president can veto a bill. the congress can pass the law anyway if it gets a two-thirds majority vote. the congress can also declare the war. the house of representatives can also impeach the president. this means that the house can charge the president with a crime. in this case, the senate will put the president on trial. the senate votes to approve the justice that the president appoints to supreme court. the congress assembles at least once a year.
7. there are 2 main bourgeois political parties in the usa. they are the democratic party (was organized in the 1820s) and the republican party (was organized in the 1850s). they defend monopoly capital. the only party that defends the interests of the working people is the communist party. it was formed in 1919 in chicago. the communist party struggles for better way of life for the working people and it fights for the interests of negroes and colored people, against all kinds of discrimination. the communist party stands for peaceful coexistence with other countries.

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1 greatest, younger, civilian



4known, longer,


дальше не знаю, sorry

Am, wear, spend . с тебя 20

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