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Вставить в правильной форме past perfect или past perfect continious 17

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Give me something to eat.
2. Is there anyone in this room?
3. No one answered your letter.
4. You do not eat anything.
5. Everyone has done these exercises.
6. No one answered my question.
7. Did he go somewhere yesterday?
8. Is there anyone here?
9. There is nothing in this portfolio.
10. I can’t find my notes anywhere.
11. Why are you not doing anything?
12. He said something, but I did not understand anything.
13. Did you buy anything at the store yesterday?
14. Do you see anyone in the hallway?
15. Some of us play chess.
16. I have several English magazines, but I do not have French magazines.

Популярно: Английский язык