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put the verbs in brackets into the past
perfect or the past perfect continuous.
1 they went to the museum after they
(finish) their homework.
2 they got lost because they (not/take) a
map with them.
3 she (already/arrange) to go to edinburgh
so she didn't come with us to york.
4 terry (work) in the cellar since morning and
he felt very tired.
5 he (not/sleep) for two days and felt
6 her eyes were red. (she/cry)?
7 she (live) in york for ten years before she
decided to move to london.

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Ответы на вопрос:

16. When Tom crossed the street, he fell in a puddle.

17. The plane took off at 5 o'clock.

18. He was happy because he had repaired the car.

19. when the teacher entered the classroom, the students waited for him for an hour.

20. He will join us when we go out of town.

21. Look! He's going to clean his room.

22. They will spend their holidays at home.

23. Tickets will be sold later.

24. Tea was served at 5 o'clock.

25. English is spoken all over the world.

26. He said that he has known the Smiths for 2 years.

27. We knew that they lived far from the city center.

28. She promised that she would bring the book tomorrow.

29. I didn't understand. Should I go to the store?

30. Stray dogs can bite your child

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