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Istayed in brazil and worked hard for some years.
by then i was rich but also bored. one day some
friends came to me and said, 'we're going to africa to
do business. why don't you come with us? we'll all be
rich after this journey!
how stupid i was! i had an easy, comfortable life in
brazil, but, of course, i agreed. and so, in 1659, i went
to sea again.
at first, all went well, but then there was a terrible
storm. for twelve days the wind and the rain didn't
stop. we lost three men in the sea, and soon the ship
had holes in its sides. 'we're all going to die this time, i
said to myself. then one morning one of the sailors saw
land, but the next minute our ship hit some sand just
under the sea. the ship could not move and we were
really in danger now. the sea was trying to break the
ship into pieces, and we had very little time. quickly, we
put a boat into the sea and got off the ship. but the sea
was very rough and our little boat could not live for long
in that wild water. перевести на ​

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я остался в бразилии и работал много лет.

к тому времени я был богатым но тоже скучающим. однажды

ко мне пришли друзья и сказали: «мы едем в африку, чтобы

делать бизнес. почему бы тебе не пойти с нами? мы все будем

богатым после этого путешествия!

как я был глуп! у меня была легкая, комфортная жизнь в

бразилия, но, конечно, я согласился. и вот, в 1659 году я пошел

снова в море.

сначала все прошло хорошо, но потом произошло ужасное

гроза. в течение двенадцати дней ветер и дождь не

стоп. мы потеряли трех человек в море, и вскоре корабль

имел отверстия по бокам. «мы все умрем в этот раз, я

сказал себе. однажды утром один из моряков увидел

земля, но в следующую минуту наш корабль попал в песок

под водой. корабль не мог двигаться, и мы были

действительно в опасности сейчас. море пыталось сломать

корабль на куски, и у нас было мало времени. быстро, мы

поставил лодку в море и сошел с корабля. но море

было грубо, и наша маленькая лодка не могла жить долго в этой дикой воде.

In my opinion the best way to move around the city is metro. Metro trains are speedy and comfortable. Most of the time, they are not overloaded, however during the rush hours it gets rather stuffy. Some people call metro the underground and it is easy to see why. Most metro stations are built under the ground, be it in Moscow or in any other majIn fact, I really like Moscow underground. They say it is one of the most beautiful constructions in the world. All the stations are well-equipped, exquisite and eye-catching. Some of them are placed above ground. These are mostly new stations. The trains and their carriages are also worth exploring. Some of them contain the inscriptions of famous Russian writers’ works. Others remind an art gallery exhibition, as they contain reproductions of famous paintings.My parents prefer to use metro trains to get to work. At rush hours they take a mini-bus or a taxi, but the traffic in the city is also heavy. After all, Moscow inhabitants know that metro is the quickest way to travel around the city.Another advantage of this travel mode is the price of tickets. Compared to other means of transportation it’s not high. As for me, I have a special metro pass, which allows me to travel for free.In my opinion, the only drawback is that it sometimes gets overcrowded. At such moments I feel uncomfortable there. Some people don’t like the moving staircase, which takes them underground, but in my opinion they are fun. I’m quite happy with the services that our metro renders and I hope that soon there will be even more new stations.

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