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Choose the correct word.
1) did you hear that noise, or was it a figment/sign of my imagination?
2) the issue has received serious attention/concentration from scholars.
3) after examining/weighing the evidence, the researchers concluded that the account was a hoax.
4) they could not match the hair sign/sample to any known animal.
5) i really value/estimate his opinion.
6) the quagga, which was half zebra and half horse, was officially declared disappeared/extinct in 1883.
7) wild creatures inhabit areas far from humane/human settlements.
8) the much disputed/argued photograph was eventually proved to be authentic.

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Ответы на вопрос:


Tom and his friend were very upset, they decided to escape from the town on the raft and travel by the water to the Jackson's Island. Then a tramp also joined them. They wanted to get some food from home, meet at midnight, escape from the town and live on the island like pirates. When they found each other at the midnight, they done their voyage. They were so happy, they will just die to be here.

(Том и его друг были очень расстроены, они решили убежать из города на плиту и уплыть на остров Джексона. Потом к ним присоединился бродяга. Они хотели взять немного еды из дома, встретится в полночь, убежать из города и жить на острове, как пираты. Когда они нашли друг друга в полночь, они исполнили свое путешествие. Они были очень счастливы и готовы были умереть, лишь бы быть здесь)

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