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3предложения в past continues с when (c переводом)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)sally was reading a book when the doorbell rang. – сэлли читала книгу, когда в зазвонил звонок.

2)we were drinking some coffee when boss called for us. – мы пили кофе когда начальник позвал нас.

3)the students weren’t doing their tests when the teacher suddenly came in. – студенты не писали тест когда учитель внезапно зашел в класс.

susan asked her mother why tables have legs but can't talk. she asked why the teacher always asks questions. she asked if she knew anything herself. she asked why it rained. she asked mother why it is always cold in winter. she asked father if he could write in the dark.

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