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Нужно ваш . надо перевести текст и ответит на вопросы
what sort of money is known as (известен как) cash?
what is another kind of money?
what does “the barter system” mean?
what did people use to exchange (для того, чтобы обмениваться) goods?
why were coins handier (более удобными) to use?
where were coins first used?
what were they first made of?
what did the stamp on coins show?
how did people determine (определяли) the value (ценность) of coins made of cheaper metals?
did paper money have real value?
who is paper money backed by? – от кого бумажные деньги получают поддержку? кем субсидируются?
what does money make possible work? – чему способствуют деньги?
may money be used to compare and measure /мэжё/ (измерять) the value of different things?
can we store (копить) money?
what does a “standard for future payment’ (уплата) mean?

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