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Плез правильно слова поставить. 25

*3 open the brackets.*
1) the strong wind
(to blow) when we
(to be) in the open space.

2) he
(to watch) the children run and play.

3) they_
(to leave) when she
(to come) in.

(to travel) abroad when i
(to get) his e-mail.

5) she
(to drive) when she
(to notice) me in the street.

6) it
(to snow) all the evening yesterday.

7) when 1
(to enter) the classroom, everybody
(to write)
something very attentively.

8) my friend
_ (to walk) at 1 o'clock yesterday.

9) we
(to have) breakfast when the postman
(to arrive)

10) mary
(to get) ready for the exam while !
(to take) notes.

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