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Надо сделать описание человека из семьи по 30

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My mom’s name is maria. she is pretty, young-looking woman with long dark hair and shining grey eyes. my mother works as a secretary in the office, she’s intelligent and she is always dressed in style. she is kind and social person, she is in good mood most time. my mother has a lot of friends and they often visit her. mom has real talent in cooking. i like to help her in the kitchen. my father alex is 38 years old. he’s tall and well-build man with dark eyes and hair. he is a former volleyball player and still is in good shape. he is physical education teacher at school. my father is also a coach of the school volleyball team. computer is his hobby. he knows everything about modern devices and also he can repair them. my father is calm and friendly person. my grandparents are not very old. they live not far from us in a private house with a big garden in the yard. they both retired and now spend most of their time in the garden. they are my father’s parents. as for my mother parents they live abroad. last time i saw them on last year christmas party. they are kind and cheerful people. мою маму зовут мария. она привлекательная, молодо выглядящая женщина с длинными темными волосами и серыми глазами. моя мама работает секретарем в офисе, она умная и всегда стильно одевается. она добрая и общительная, и у нее почти всегда хорошее настроение. у мамы много подруг, и они часто навещают ее. у мамы настоящий кулинарный талант. мне нравится ей на кухне. моему папе алексею 38 лет. он высокий и хорошо сложен, с темными волосами и глазами. он бывший волейболист, и до сих пор в хорошей форме. он учитель физкультуры в школе. мой папа также тренирует школьную волейбольную команду. компьютер – его хобби. он знает все о новейших устройствах и может починить их. мой папа спокойный и дружелюбный человек. мои бабушка и дедушка не старые. они живут недалеко от нас в частном доме с большим садом во дворе. они оба пенсионеры и проводят большую часть времени в саду. это папины родители. что касается маминых, они живут за границей. последний раз я видела их на прошлое рождество. они добрые и веселые.

The best day of my life was the day i was born. because from now on, i started my life journey. life is given to man to live it not for nothing. as the quote says: ”life is meaningless and we decide what meaning to fill it." this is the most valuable gift given to man – life. it is possible to live without taking risks, calmly and quietly, without leaving a trace in history. but you can not be afraid to go to your goal. get everything you want. after all, every person has a great potential. you just need to try to develop it. to repeat, this day is not possible, but you can give new life to their children, who will be able to continue the path to the targets. there is nothing more to say, it is necessary to do and then the goal will be closer and my future children will be able to say that their father lived not for nothing. what i felt, what i was thinking, skachati difficult. no one remembers one thing is for sure, the love that i gave my parents, grandma and grandpa had been everything to me, gave me happiness and joy and saved me from the worries. i want to my future kids don't need and wanted to find myself in life. and for this they need to be directed to the right path. we all work and strive for something, ultimately for the sake of our children, to enjoy our successes or to endure our failures. it is necessary to make children understand that if they want to achieve something, you need to go to your goals and live with your loved ones. the love that you give to your children makes them stronger, and i am grateful to my parents, grandparents that they cared about me so much and gave me their love and i want to give my future children care, love and understanding so that they become real people and were happy and loved their family.

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