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Определить функции инфитива в языке(подлежащее, часть сказуемого, дополнение, обстоятельство, определение, сложное подлежащее, сложое дополнение и перевести на .
1. to have met him was an event in my life.
2.the design can be completed next week
3.you might have been wrong
4.peter wants to meet you
5.we thought them to have been vey busy
6.this is not the time to stop work
7.there are a few more words to remember
8.i found nothing more to do
9.we remained here to meet you
10. the dog is said o be the best animal for such tests
11.they are known to have found a new kind of fuel
12.the weather seems to become cooler
13.the dog is considered to be too old for the tests
14.we considered the dog to be too young for the experiment
15.he was seen to use the device
16.we saw the wood burn slowly
17.he is believed to speak several foreign languages well
18.we known him to speak german
19.to discuss the details now means to lose time
20.your daughter is old enough to understand this

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Ответы на вопрос:

Our stout  neighbour sings loudly in the bathroom. our stout  neighbour is  singing loudly in the bathroom now. our stout  neighbour has  just    sung loudly in the bathroom. our stout  neighbour has been  singing loudly in the bathroom since morning. our stout  neighbour sang loudly in the bathroom yesterday. our stout  neighbour will  sing loudly in the bathroom tomorrow.

Популярно: Английский язык