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lilly, daisy, jake and i are hiking. mr loft, our teacher, wants us to put up our tents before
it gets dark. jake goes to collect the firewood for the campfire. lilly gets a text message
and we all tell her to stop using her mobile phone. when we try to light the campfire, we
see that the firewood is dry. daisy is really angry because we can't cook anything. but
lilly has an idea! she calls for some pizza! everyone is happy!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1meucci wouldn't have been able to develop his ideas if he had stayed in cuba. 2 he wouldn't have sold his plants for a telephone if he hadn't become ill. 3 if she had sold his ideas, he would have become a very rich man. 4 if meucci had published his ideas, alexander graham bell wouldn't have become so famous. 5 if gutenberg hadn't invented the printing press, ordinary people wouldn't have had books. 6 if european countries hadn't had gunpowder, they wouldn't have built such big empires. 7 if fleming hadn't discovered penicillin, we wouldn't have found a cure for many disease. 8 if someone else hadn't invented the world wide web, perhaps they wouldn't have made it free.

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