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dear auntie claire,
i've just found out that i've
failed my summer exams at
school. i haven't told my
parents yet because i'm too
scared. i'll have to retake the
exams in september, but i know
i'll fail again! what can i do?
please help me!

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Ответы на вопрос:


hi. is very bad. but don't csare. i thing, you must tell to parents about it. i'm sure they will support you. i'll be soon at home and try to help you with exams, because i always passed exams perfectly. don,t scary!

with love auntie claire

  dear i'm so happy to get your letter. it's wonderful that reading is your hobby! as for me, i like reading and books play a very important role in my life. unfortunately i don't have enough time for reading because i 'm busy with my studies. that's why i don't spend a lot of time on reading. i read a lot in summer when i 'm on holiday. of course, i like adventure novels best of all. at the same time i read newspapers and magazines. as for my favourite book in my childhood, it was cinderella. i read it a lot of times. write back soon! with love,    

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