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Test 5

variant 1.

1. fill in the correct word.

● dusting ● cake ● phone ● decorations ● homework ● celebrate ● fireworks

● tea ● gardening ● flowers ● costumes

1. the room looks lovely with all the walls.

2. can i make a call?

3. the living room is dirty we must do some .

4. i’m sorry. i can't go out tonight because i'm doing my.

5. mum is making . for my birthday!

6. at halloween, we all wear strange

7. susan is doing the ……….she loves plants and flowers.

8. he loves to watch the in the sky on guy fawkes' night.

9. are you thirsty? molly is making some

10. he gives his on her birthday.

2.choose the correct word.

1. they do/make wreaths at this time of year.

2. dad does/makes a special dish on his birthday.

3. she is doing/making the washing-up.

4. mum is doing/making the shopping.

5. please do/make the dusting today.

6. he is doing/making the decorations for the party

3. что такое present continuous? когда употребляется это время? как образуется в утвердительном, отрицательном и вопросительном предложениях?

4. underline the correct word.

1. it is/are raining today.

2. they is/are having a party.

3. she is/are washing the car.

4. they is/are watching a film.

5. is/are she listening to the radio?

3. is/are you eating my sandwich?

5. write the correct form of the verb in brackets.


this 1) …… (be) mandy lambert and her mother, liz. they (be) from barnsley. everyone says mandy (look) like liz. in the picture, she (sit) on a boat. mandy and liz (smile) and they 6) (have) a great time.

6. put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. to/peter/going/the/festival/is.

2. are/wearing/what/they?

3. is/guitar/not/susan/today/playing/the

4. watching/not/brian/is/tv

5. they/enjoying/their/holiday/are?

6. the/eating/is/why/not/sandwiches/he?

7. read the text and answer the questions. hello_html_71d5d577.gif

this a picture of my sister at her birthday party. her name is claire and in this picture she is wearing her favourite t-shirt and a party hat. our house is full of decorations and claire is having a great time. she is laughing with her friends. they are eating sandwiches and everybody is listening to happy music. you can't see our parents in this picture because they are in the kitchen. they are making all food and drinks.

1. what is claire wearing?

2. what kind of hat is claire wearing?

3. what is claire doing?

4. what is everybody listening to?

5. where are claire's parents?

6. what are claire's friends eating?

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Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. decorations
2. phone
3. dusting
4. homework
5. cake
6. costumes
7. gardening
8. fireworks
9. tea
10. flowers

make, makes, doing, doing, do, making

present con
действие,которое происходит прямо сейчас. образуется: am/is/are +ving
чтобы задать вопрос выносим am/is/are на первое место. для отрицания прибавляем not
1. is
2. are
3. is
4. are
1. is
2. are
3. looks
4. is sitting
5. are smiling
6. are having

I have a look at the same as it is a great day and night night.

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