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a verbs into the correct ftiture form,
la sure (be) home soon.
12. see) harry, i'll tell him you called.
when we sleep, we ).
not call), he'll be upset.
but ) home late, we won't go out,

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Ответы на вопрос:

Correctly translate into russian using the rule. 1. have you ever cared (care) for people with problem health? 2. she has just solved the problem of environmental pollution. 3. has he already got into the crowd? 4. she has already investigated this crime. 5. i never got on with people because i am an introvert. 6. a week ago, a boy opened (develop) a new star. 7. she never led her own business. 8. right now my godmother checks (check) my translation. 9. last weekend i prepared for the exam. 10. at the moment i am looking for a new wrist watch. 11. i usually love it when the waitress is friendly. 12. a year ago, i lent 100 rubles to my friend. 13. do not allow them to smoke in public places. 14. i can not lose professional skills. 15. she never made delicious meals. 16. why are you dating me now? 17. she always pays for herself. 18. why do you put your bag on the floor? 19. does she always call so late? 20. she did not tell my secret to anyone. 21. i have never seen an elephant. 22. she usually sells 3 coats a day. 23. do not send me these sms. 24. she is now showing a new apartment. 25. shut your mouth. 26. she already sings well. 27. did you sit in a new car a week ago? 28. i am sleeping now.

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