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Complete the sentences with the continuous passive (present or past). write down the answer as shown in the example. don't put the full stop after the last verb form.

example: 1. is being done, 2. was being bought, 3. are being finished, 4. was being repaired, 5. are being built

1. there is somebody behind us. i think we (follow)

2. ann can’t use her office at the moment. (redecorate)

3. it was pretty noisy all day yesterday. the (move)

4. i couldn’t take their tools yesterday because (use)

5. don't go there, it's dangerous! the trees (cut)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) are being followed
2) was being redecorated
3) was being moved
4) were being used
5) were being cut

1. The pupils have written the dictation.  

Ученики написали диктант

2. My friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem.  

Мой друг мне решить сложную задачу

3. I have learned a poem

Я выучил стихотворение

4. She has told them an interesting story.  

Она рассказала им интересную историю

5. Kate has swept the floor.

Катя подмела пол


1. I have read this book.  

Я прочитал эту книгу

2. I haven't drawn a picture

Я не нарисовал картину

3. John and Richard have just gone away.

Джон и Ричард только что ушли  

4. You have made a mistake.  

Ты сделал ошибку

5. The tree has fallen across the road.

Дерево упало поперек дороги


I have already found interesting places

Я уже нашел интересные места

I have bought white sneakers

Я купил белые кросовки

I have already exchanged some money

Я уже обменял немного денег (купил валюту)

I have downloaded some good music

Я скачал немного хорошей музыки


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