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my mom is as gentle as a lamb.
she is kind and she's my friend.
my dad is as busy as a bee.
his work means everything to me.

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Ответы на вопрос:


май мам ис эс гантл эс э лэмб

ши ис кайнд энд шис май френд

май дэд ис эс бизи эс э би

хис вок минс эврисинк ту ми


моя мама нежна, как ягненок. она добрая, и она мой друг. мой папа так же занят, как пчела. его работа значит для меня все.

всё правельно и

The film, which i recently watched , filmed on a story by sholokhov " the destiny of man ." it is ideally described picture of this man - the hero of the great patriotic war . they were all full of courage and despair , they fought for their country , they lost entire families , and they died. narrative about a man held prisoner of war and the hanging on the portage and death will not leave you indifferent. plunge into the fate of the protagonist , as well as empathize with him , you can even read the summary of the man's fate . quite often given home works on sholokhov , pupils write specifically about the hero of this story : they admire his courage, heroism and sincerity . and, of course , by it could not pass , and great directors : sergei bondarchuk was the first director who revealed to the world film footage based on the works of sholokhov . his fate is described in great detail , his life is presented in detail. read a summary of the fate of man and immerse yourself in his life at least for a couple of minutes. such works make you think and even change the outlook of today's youth . blurb will write an essay or presentation , as well as feel the content of this story.

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