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the training exercise according to film «home alone» (with keys)

task 1. what is the main idea of the film?

a) parents left little kevin alone at home.
b) kevin was alone, even with his family.
c) kevin was a true hero, who got rid of burglars from the house.
d) kevin's main wish came true.

task 2. what is the atmosphere of the film?

a) detective
b) horrific
c) scary
d) comic

task 3. describe these characters using the following adjectives.

careless, sociable, tolerant, scoundrel, friendly, decent, treacherous, courageous, obstinate, anxious, creative, reserved, brave, persistent, exacting, arrogant, curious, harsh
kevin mccallister
kate mccallister
harry and marv
old man marley

task 4. what was the name of the videotape?

a) angels with filthy souls
b) angels with fifty souls
c) angels with filthy wings
d) angels with fifty wings

task 5. what was the funniest moment for you in the film? how did you feel? describe it.

task 6. how many burglars wanted to get into the house? name them.

task 7. how many people are in the kevin’s family? (with kevin)

a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13

task 8. why was kevin afraid of old man marley?

a) he looked very dangerous and scary.
b) he wanted to kidnap kevin.
c) he was one of the burglars, who wanted to strike kevin's home.
d) he was rumored to be a serial killer who murdered his family.

task 9. a) find the english equivalents to these words.

1) стойкий
2) подбодрить
3) магазинный вор
4) приют
5) воображение
6) тарантул

b) find the english equivalents to these phrases.

1) он странно посмотрел на меня
2) это не важно
3) подбросить
4) такого рода вещи/что-то в этом роде
5) я им попробовать

task 10. fill in the gaps with words from the film.

1) i’ve never done this in my whole life.
2) he walks up and the streets every night the sidewalks.
3) how much do i you?
4) i am the of the house.
5) that’s two days

task 11. choose the right prepositions.

1) go easy at/on the pepsi.
2) put them at/in your purpose.
3) you feel that way because we left in/at a hurry.
4) your phones are out/over of order.
5) i’m not welcomed to/with my son.
6) you guys give up, or are you thirsty of/for more?
7) i’m going to bite off every one of these little fingers, one on/at a time.
8) tell me, have you gone on/at vocation and left your child home?

task 12. what is the main problem of the film? (describe your thoughts using 50-70 words)

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Ответы на вопрос:


1 they went to the sport club 5 days ago.

2 we`ve already written the test.

3 my sister has done her homework today.

4 i played, danced and sang on the party yesterday.

5 my pet has just eaten meat.

6 sandy reads historic books every day.

7 what is liza doing now? — liza is writing a letter.

8 kate met with her friends 10 minutes ago.

9 when will jill come to the office tomorrow?

10 when did alice go to the cinema? alice went to the cinema last sunday


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