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Read the following paragraphs and complete the sentences. write the words in one line, separated by a comma. don't put the full stop after the last word.

example: table, window, door

the paragraphs:

it was the time of the cold war. both the usa and the soviet union were building rockets to use as new weapons. americans were afraid to lose the war of technologies. moreover, the world was shocked again on april 12, 1961 when yuri gagarin became the first man in space.

americans did not want to be left behind and set a new organization for the space race (nasa) that controlled all of the government’s high-technology work. in may 1961, the american president, j.f. kennedy, promised to put a man on the moon before 1970. eight months later, john glenn became the first american to orbit the earth. in 1969, three other americans made the first historic moonlanding flight.

the sentences:

1. both the usa and the soviet union were building to use as new weapons.

2. americans were afraid to lose the war of

3. john glenn became the first american to the earth.

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Ответы на вопрос:


rockets, technologies, orbit


1. шляпа. это шляпа. на ней - трилистник. трилистник - национальный символ ирландии. 2. кружка. это кружка. на ней - уэльский дракон. уэльский дракон изображён на флаге уэльса. 3. шарф. это клетчатый шарф из шотландии. клетчатая ткань популярна в шотландии. 4. мягкая игрушка. это мягкая игрушка. она похожа на корову. в шотландии много коров. 5. игрушечные автобусы. это игрушечные автобусы. автобусы двухэтажные. их можно увидеть в лондоне. 6. значок. это значок. на нём - "юнион джек". "юнион джек" - это флаг соединённого королевства.

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