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Viii. составьте предложения в future simple, поставив глаголы в нужной форме. используйте глаголы will/shall:
1. the ship / away / not / sail.
2. our / manager / regional / live / in / next / germany /year.
3. i /stop / my / miami / on / way / in / home.
4. discuss / they / the / trip / tomorrow.
ix. поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению (present simple, past simple, future simple) и дайте краткий ответ (yes, … /no, …):
1. mr. petrov lives in moscow.
2. my children study at plekhanov russian university of economics.
3. the secretary did her work well.
3. our manager discussed business matters on the phone.
4. different foreign delegations will arrive in moscow for the international business forum.

x. поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:
1) our company was very large.
2) we had offices in different cities
3) mr. petrov meets customers every day.
4) our managers usually come to the office at 9 in the morning.
5) we will stay in the office all day.
6) our employees will be very busy in november.
7) i shall prepare different documents for the

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwent in school today. это past simple, went- форма глагола go!

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