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составьте предложения в соответствии с моделью (примеры - following him is hard. – it’s hard to follow him. или it’s a relief that i see you safe and sound. – it’s a relief to see you safe and sound. ).
1. doing this job is very important.
2. learning english is necessary.
3. killing people is unforgivable.
4. riding a bicycle is dangerous.
5. interrupting people is impolite.
6. dressing a wound is very painful.
7. attending your classes is your duty.
8. it’s a pleasure that i can see you again.
9. watching a comedy is very amusing.
10. rushing through a book is useless.
11. going with him to picture galleries was a rare treat.
12. doing it seemed a proper and natural thing.
13. taking him seriously would be an absurd thing.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. it is importan to do this job.

2. it is necessay to learn english.

3. it is unforgivable to kill people.

4. it is dangerous to kill people.

5. it is impolite to interrupt people.

6. it is very painful to dress a wound.

7. it is your duty to attend your classes.

8.it’s a pleasure that i can see you again.. (так и будет)

9. it is very amusing to watch a comedy.

10. it is useless to rush through a book.

11. it was a rare treat to go with him to the gallery.

12. it seemed a proper and natural thing to do it.

13. it would be an absurd thing to take him seriously

Complete these sentences  use the adjectives. example: a good librarian should be intelligent and sociable   1) a good engineer should be educated and experienced  2)a modern farmer should be active and business  3)members of a good family should be friendly and tolerant  4)a real friend should be faithful and responsive  5)if you like your pet,you should gentle and caringзавершить эти предложения используя прилагательные. пример: хороший библиотекарь должен быть умным и общительным 1) хороший инженер должен быть образованным и опытным2)современный работник (фермер) должен быть активным и деловым3)члены хорошей семьи должно быть дружными и терпимыми4)настоящий друг должен быть преданным и отзывчивым5)если вы любите своего питомца,вам следует быть ласковым и заботливым

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