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110) fill in with present simple or present continuous.
boy: what 1) are you doing (you/do) here?
girl: 12)
(wash) my clothes.
v50 tusually 3)
(swim) but
today 14)
(do) my
allowashing. oh! look at the monkeys!
boy: they usually (climb) the
iber trees but today they 6)
(eat) bananas
girl: yes. they 7)
(be) very

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Ответы на вопрос:


what are you doing here?

i am washing my clothes.

usually i swim, but today i am doing my allowashing.

they usually climb the trees, but today they are eating bananas.

yes. they are very happy


что ты здесь делаешь?

я стираю свою одежду.

обычно я плаваю, но сегодня я занимаюсь спортом.

они обычно лазают по деревьям,

но сегодня они едят бананы.

да. они счастливы

an amazinq conversation

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