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Ответы на вопрос:

1)let's go to the theater tonight, okay? -sorry, i'm very busy. i am doing my homework. i’ve been writing an essay for an hour and a half, and have done only half. “when you finish, will you call me? ”

2) i’m going to the dining room! -if you wait for me for 10 minutes, i’ll go too, because i also really want to eat, but i’ve been translating s.moem’s story for an hour. never translated anything like it. i think i’ll finish in 5 minutes.

3) my friend is keen on football. but lately their team has been unlucky. yesterday he took part in a football match. their team lost because the day before their captain fell ill.

4) in his country, it rarely snows. the last time it snowed was 10 years ago. so weird that he never skied. i will invite him to come to russia to celebrate the new year. however, i do not know when it will snow with us.

5) yesterday i headed to the restaurant after i spent two hours in the library. as soon as i sat at the table, my friends tom and donald came to me. you haven’t met them yet. one is a popular designer and the other is a japanese teacher.

Привет Артём! Как у тебя дела?
Мы с родителями поехали в Киев на неделю отдохнуть. Ты не представляешь как тут красиво и весело. Живем мы в отеле, тут очень хороший персонал. Вчера когда мы поехали смотреть Киев, мы заблудились и где-то час не могли найти как доехать в отель. Я тогда очень испугалась, а мама меня успакаевала. Пока что это все новости, но у нас ещё целых 5 дней впереди. Буду писать тебе каждый день, и рассказывать как день.

Популярно: Английский язык