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нужно написать 20 законов рф на , используя конструкции can/can’t, have to, must/mustn’t, have better/have better not

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Ответы на вопрос:

Donna Walton Donna’s an English teacher. She is no rich and she is no famous. Her house is small and there is no pool. There are three bedrooms in the house. Donna’s car is old. It’s slow and uncomfortable. There is no radio or cassette player in her car. There’s an engine, a steering wheel, and there are four wheels and two doors. Donna is no happy. She’d like a big house, a new car and a lot of money.

Zack Zebedee. Here is a rock star. He’s very rich and famous. His house is large and there’s a swimming pool in the backyard. There are ten bedrooms in the house. Zack’s car is new. It’s fast and comfortable. In his car there is a climate control system, a CD player, a VCR, a phone and fax machine. But Zack is not happy. He’d like a small house, a small car and a family with two kids.

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