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Exercise 66. supply one of the present tenses: the present indefinite, the present
continuous and the present perfect.
1. i must know what you …… (talk) about. 2. i hear that you …… (be) in this
country for some time. 3. he …… (admire) you tremendously. he …… (see) the
play three times. 4. i …… (not know) what harry always …… (say) to you. 5. i
want to see how much he …… (change) since i …… (see) him last. 6. we …… (be)
to the pictures about twice a week ever since. 7. hallo, what you …… (do) here at
this late hour? 8. i …… (suppose) you never …… (have) anything to do with those
people? 9. she …… (be awake) since two in the morning. 10. i always …… (stay) in
my dressing-room and …… (rest) till the evening performance. can't i come and see
you while you …… (rest)? 11. i …… (hear) you …… (look) for a new house. 12.
since the tragedy mr. holmes and i …… (hear) of many strange things. 13. ……
(happen) anything else since your arrival in london?
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Ответы на вопрос:

1are talking 2have been 3admires 4has seen 5do not know 6has said 7has changet 8saw 9hawe been 10are you doing 11suppose 12have never had 13has been awaked 14stay 15rest 16are resting 17hear 18are looking 19have heard 20happened

«do not chase happiness: it always is in you» (pythagoras).personally i have understood for a long time already, why for happiness search (that we meant by it) very important to stop, that freeze frame is very important. it appears, the biggest obstacle in a way fortunately is a pursuit of it, passionate desire it to reach. it appears, the happiness is not searched, it is not required, is not planned, not won — it comes itself when will consider you worthy. it appears, it is necessary to search not for happiness, and something absolutely another. it is necessary to aspire not fortunately, and to things which will call it as special gift and destiny compensation. happiness not in finding, and in change to the best. happiness not the nearest purpose, to which only one step, — it in a way conducting to the star sky over you and to eternal values in your soul, it in a way conducting towards to people, god and the whole world even if your feet aching for weariness, refuse to go. the happiness is the highest blessing in your life which it is necessary to reach long and which at the same time hastens to you towards in reply to your own efforts

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