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3. раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present, past или future simple.
1.he (to turn) on the tv-set to watch the news of the automotive market every evening.
2.i (to be) very busy last week.
3.they (to be) out of the office yesterday.
4.he often (to go) on business trips two years ago.
5.i (not to go) there next year.
6.the truck with our goods (to arrive) tomorrow.
4. раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в present, past or future continuous.
1. be quiet, please. i (to try) to write a report.
2. listen to those people. what language they speak)?
3. we (to negotiations, when the secretary brought coffee.
4. the company (to new products during all last month.
5. don’t come to my place from 2 till 6 tomorrow. i (to write) a report.
6. during this new course you (to learn) about market research strategies.

5. раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в present, past or future perfect.
1.since then i (to change) my job several times.
2.he (not to repair) that engine yet.
3.i thought that they (to tell) us already everything.
4.i knew that once he (to be) a well-known specialist in his field.
5.we (to reach) the camp by 10 o’clock, i believe.
6.i hope we (to do) the market research by january.

6. заполните пропуски словами much/many, few/little.
1.when we walked __ farther down the road, we met another group of students.
2.at the conference we met __ people whom we know well.
3.there are very __old houses left in our street. most of them have already been pulled down.
4.if you have __ spare time, look through this contract.
5.there are __ things here which i cannot understand.
6.he wrote so __ letters that he’s never going to write a letter again.

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Яхотел бы покзаать тебе мою новую вещь, сказал мистер винкс

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