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1. the numbers of damaging wildfowl is the first essential task
a) reusing​​c) recycling
b) reducing​​d) repairing
2. juliet __ an astonishing idea on how to solve their problem
a) arrived down with​​b) realized up upon
c) came up with​​​d) found out with
3. gerald definitely cut down on drinking. it’s not even about health – it’s family
a) can​​c) must
b) should​​d) has to
4. you are __ __ time! please hurry up while it’s still not too late!
a) running away from​​b) running out of
c) running out off​​d) running out from
5. i’ve finally got a decent job, found time for daily sports routine and broke up with my abusive boyfriend.
a) nuff saidb) a dime a dozen
c) everything’s coming up roses​d) it’s all greek to me
6. answer the questions:
faroe islanders’ ritual slaughter of pilot whales turns sea blood red
the independent

as many as 1,000 whales are killed over the summer months every year. hunt known as grindadrap is a centuries-old tradition which has been criticized by animal rights campaigners, who say the ritual is and unnecessary.
as long-finned and short-finned pilot whales swim close to the shore during migration, fishermen surround the mammals in boats and dinghies, herding them towards the beach. the entire pods of whales become stranded, are dragged up the beach and slaughtered on the sand or in the shallow water. many people enter the water to help bring the whales to the sand.
faroe islanders are allowed to carry out the annual slaughter by law, which is partially devolved from denmark’s government, although the legality of the practice has been questioned by activists.
“metal hooks are driven into the stranded mammals' blowholes before their spines are cut. whole families are slaughtered, and some whales swim around in their family members' blood for hours. whales and dolphins are highly creatures and feel pain and fear every bit as much as we do," as claimed by the peta campaign.
an anti-hunting campaign called sea shepherd claims that up to 1,000 pilot whales are killed every year in the summer months and although whale meat is eaten by the local people, some of the meat is left to rot. the conservation society sends a couple of boats to the islands every summer to try and prevent locals from herding whales to the shoreline, but last year five crew members were arrested and their boats confiscated.
1) what adjective would you use to fill in the gap in the fourth paragraph?

2) use 2-3 sentences to summarize the text in your own words:

3) write an essay for this passage (use the another side of the paper):
the sea shepherd is widely known for their campaigns against commercial fishing and ocean pollution. they are mostly tough guys and girls who are not afraid to take direct action in order to prevent animal hunting - they sabotage, ram (идут на таран) and capture commercial fishing vessels, for example. some people are afraid of losing their profit because of them think their methods are too radical and they must be put in jail. so, if we want to save our environment (and wildlife in particular), what type of action should we take in your opinion: slow, gradual and reformist or direct and radical?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) b

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