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Прочитайте теорию, затем выберите правильные слова.
выражение градуальные прилагательные означает, что человек или вещь, относящаяся к прилагательному, могут иметь большую или меньшую степень упомянутого качества. они имеют сравнительную и превосходную степень (кроме ). мы можем использовать extremely, fairly, rather, slightly, very с ними (very small, slightly more expensive, etc)
неградуальные прилагательные не имеют сравнительную или превосходную степень. мы можем использовать absolutely, totally and completely с ними (absolutely full, totally empty, etc)
1 we couldn't afford tickets for the concert. they were completely/extremely expensive.
2 they were slightly/totally worried when all the lights went out.
3 it was extremely/absolutely cold in the mountains.
4 the journey home was completely/extremely comfortable.
5 they were absolutely/rather certain that all the tickets had sold out.
6 shakira is a very/completely famous singer.
7 he told me to be totally/very careful on the way home because the roads were rather/ absolutely slippery.
8 pete was slightly/fairly sure he'd seen the film before.
9 he was absolutely/rather thrilled about the idea of going to madagascar.
10 the building was fairly/totally empty. no one was there.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1 we couldn't afford tickets for the concert. they were extremely expensive.  

2 they were slightly worried when all the lights went out.  

3 it was extremely cold in the mountains.  

4 the journey home was extremely comfortable.  

5 they were absolutely certain that all the tickets had sold out.  

6 shakira is a very famous singer.  

7 he told me to be very careful on the way home because the roads were rather/ absolutely slippery.  

8 pete was fairly sure he'd seen the film before.  

9 he was absolutely thrilled about the idea of going to madagascar.  

10 the building was totally empty. no one was there.


Russia – the country with centuries-old history in which there was all: world and war, grief and pleasure. it friendly opened the embraces for all who looked for a shelter and found it in its open spaces. the earth is rich, and russia generously gives all the gifts to those who needs them. my homeland as the open book, allowing to read itself. but also as any book it needs careful using, especially storage. i as the citizen of the country, i do everything that it prospered that any more i didn't know neither a grief, nor tears, war, after all it was enough.             russia took out such terrible tests, as ruthless bloody wars. them upon my country fell much, and everyone the subsequent is more terrible previous. after all our enemies saw in it a potential source of resources, big territories with the beautiful earth. but, as they say, in what weakness, in that force

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