there was at one time really only two choices available to crohn's disease patients, either to elect to have major surgery (if granted by the attending physician), or opting to take a chance on potentially toxic prescription drugs with accompanying side effects like cancer, liver disease, skin, joint, and bone damage or suppression of the immune system. folks with crohn's hoped and prayed that there would be some kind of medical break through in technology (some new miracle drug), that would solve all their crohn's problems, but sadly, it never came to be.

sometimes crohn's patients were even ridiculed and looked down upon by some traditional medical professionals for even asking for healthier alternatives, or holistic ways of treating their crohn's. thankfully over the past decade or so, a different kind of break through occurred that impacted the world of medicine, the drastic advances in computer technology, resulting not only in the increase of power and sophistication of personal computers but their accompanying ease of use ushered in by of the internet.

since then, internet site alternatives (like web md and many others), have popped up and prospered, offering millions of crohn's disease sufferers now the vital information they so badly needed in order to seek out and bettor understand their condition and available treatment options. with the rise of internet technology, came also the availability of internet blogs, chat rooms, forums, and online medical journals, making laymen even bettor informed than in earlier years.

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