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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Джульета была необычной девушкой для своего времени
Juliet really was unusual. She made her own decisions and took fate in her own hands. For а woman this was totally unheard at Shakespeare time.

2. B фильме есть сцена, где Джульетта сидит в кафе и жалуется своей лучшей подруге, что урок математики был ужасно скучный
There is no such scene in the film. It is only imaginary scene and it was a joke of Claire and Buz.

3. Клэр было сложно играть Джульетту.
It was hard sometimes but it was a treat to play Juliet.

4. У фильма было альтернативное окончание
The film doesn’t have alternative ending. The actors wanted to shoot it just to know it existed because the ending was very tragic.

5. Клэр была единственной девушкой в фильме
She was the only girl in the film. She was excluded from boys’ affairs but there was her friend Monica and they formed their girly club.

6. Место действия — Дикий Запад
No the action doesn't take place in the Wild West. The film was shot in Mexico.

7. B конце съемок актеры влюбились друг в друга
No, the actors didn’t fall in love. It wasn’t meant to be.

8. Леонардо Ди Каприо — хороший актер и хороший парень
He is really talented and perceptive. He is funny and had Claire rolling with laughter. That was especially important when scene was intense.

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