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I. переведите на язык следующий текст.

harrison/s department store in the northside shopping centre invites you to a winter clearance sale. check these bargain prices: men’s suits, regularly one-hundred eighty dollars, now only one-fifty; sport coats, regularly one-twenty, now just eighty dollars. and to go along with these suits and sport coats, you’ll find dress slacks, long-sleeved sport shirts and ties, all colors, all sizes, at low, low prices.
in the ladies’ departments, better dresses have been reduced to prices as low as half price and some lower. new merchandise has been added, and the selection in sizes eight through sixteen in outstanding.
this is the greatest clearance sale that harrison’s has ever had. thousands of items of winter clothing are on sale.
shop harrison’s in the northside shopping centre. open until six tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursdays. open until nine mondays, fridays, and saturdays. closed all day on sundays.
come to harrison’s winter clearance today. bankamerican and mastercharge welcome.

there are four golden rules:
a) examine the goods you buy at once. if they are faulty, tell the seller quickly.
b) keep any receipts you are given. if you have to return something, the receipt will help to prove where and when you bought it.
c) don’t be afraid to complain. you are not asking a favour to have faulty goods put right. the law is on your side.
d) be persistent (but not aggressive). if your complaint is justified, it is somebody’s responsibility to put things right.

ii. переведите на язык письмо-напоминание об оплате и ответьте на следующие вопросы:

a) what is the usual term of business in carson inc.?
b) how long has the invoice been outstanding?
c) what is mr lacoste asking for?

iii. мы используем выражение to be going to, когда говорим о вещах, о которых решено до момента разговора. напишите, что должно случиться в этих ситуациях, используя слова, ниже.

close, sell, update

example: my car is broken.
i am going to repair it.

1. my credit card is damaged.
2. her figures are out of date.
3. he cannot run a company.

iv. сформулируйте свои ответы на реплики клиента:

you: ( клиента. спросите, чем вы можете быть ему полезны)
customer: good evening. i’d like to hire a car.
you: (спросите, какой тип машины ему нужен и на сколько времени)
customer: a roadster for a week.
you: (попросите у него его водительские права)
customer: yes. here you are.
you: (попросите его оплатить прокат машины прямо сейчас)
customer: how much is it?
you: (назовите цену, попросите его оставить что-либо в залог (to leave any pawn))
customer: here’s my credit card.
you: ( его. пожелайте ему приятного пути)

v. какое словосочетание, по вашему мнению, необходимо исключить из этого списка:

bill of lading certificate of origin
waybill packing sheet
shipping specification delay in delivery
certificate of quality insurance policy

vi. эквиваленты:

разрешите мне представить вам …
да, я понимаю.
в котором часу?
дайте мне подумать.
не могли бы вы говорить чуть помедленнее?
вот моя визитная карточка.
отлично. вас.
тогда все.
до свидания, мистер смит.
мне потребуется полчаса, чтобы добраться туда.

vii. эквиваленты:

please take a seat.
have you got any questions to me?
you have excellent references.
what do you find a fair salary?
i work under pressure.
all right!
i am afraid …
no problem.
i make contracts …
i am accustomed to work under pressure.
this is a very promising company.
a change will do me good.

viii. найдите продолжение для каждого слова из второй колонки. заполните предложение словами из колонок.

look a company
have venture
get mistakes
with forward
joint a quick word
run something clear
accept in touch
make reference to

a) may i with mr harrison?
b) your letter we agreed to give you a discount.
c) our partners and i decided to establish a
d) i would like to our draft contract.
e) we to your prompt reply.
f) he wishes to with our guests as soon as possible.
g) i don’t like the way they
h) he is so quick-tempered, he cannot

ix. как вы будете вашего делового партнера, если встреча назначена на:

a) 10 a.m.
b) 12.15 p.m.
c) 5.30 p.m.
d) 11 a.m.

x. какими должны быть ваши ответы на следующие реплики:

how are you getting on?
would you like a cup of tea?
good evening!
glad to meet you.
good afternoon!
good morning!
would you like a cup of coffee?
thank you very much!

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Your father's birthday is next Tuesday. You and your sibling are planning a surprise dinner at a famous restaurant. Make a phone call to book a table.бъяснение:

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