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Listen again and answer the
questions. who was the murderer?
1 did the woman with blonde hair speak to
2 where did this woman sit?
3 did she leave at eight o dock?
4 who did the man with a beard talk to?
5 was the short woman with a friend?
6 what did the woman buy?
7 did a man with long black hair speak to
8 did the detective have a coffee? ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

my grandmother. i love my grandmother, and all weekend days of provozhu in nee. grandmother nebolshaya on growth, hudenkaya, p holubыmy veins on shee s hands. chertы faces vыrazytelnыe, clear ocherchennыe, the correct. they ukazыvayut to it that the earlier she has been krasavytsey. especially me nravyatsya uh eyes. in ee glance nekohda us there was no false, lukavosty us, us uhyschrenyya. her eyes holubыe osveschenы yznutry soft zhyvыm glow, they yzluchayut heat and even yskrennost then, when the grandmother serdytsya. when would i arrived, the grandmother was a belenkyy platochek, who sharply ottenyal black eyebrows and zahoreloe lytso. sometimes platochek sdvyhal nabokov, and because of under nee vыbyvalas strands sedыh hair. grandmother knows a lot skazok, and me íðàâèòñÿ slushat ee quiet rage. here she takaya, my grandmother dorohaya.

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