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Выберите правильный вариант.

1. you needn’t … for bread, we have plenty.

a) shop b) shopping c) to shop d) to shopping

2. he must be very tired, he … since morning.

a) is working b) works c) had worked d) has been working

3. he could do nothing but … our plan.

a) accept b) to accepting c) accepted d) would accept

4. william the conqueror is famous for … england.

a) having been conquered b) conquering c) having conquered d) conquered

5. she asked … back as soon as possible.

a) to phone b) to being phoned c) to be phoned d) to having phoned

6. recently bbc experts … a new system that lets the deaf understand tv programs.

a) have invented b) invented c) to invent d) be invented

7. actions speak … than words.

a) more louder b) the loudest c) louder d) much loudest

8. the opposition party … a pre-election meeting this week.

а) holding b)is holding c)was holding d)had held

9. to catch the last train, … we can leave home at 11.

a) the least b) least c) the latest d) latest

10. mike felt … after the trip.

a) exhausting b) exhausted c) exhaustedly d) himself exhausted

11. there’s … over your broken life..

a) no good to cry b) no use crying c) no point to cry d) no point in crying

12. the first novel about sherlock holmes … in 1887 and … by a series of short stories. a) was appeared, was followed b) appeared, followed

c) appeared, was followed d) was appeared , followed

13. … st.valentine’s day is celebrated on february 14 by the custom … greeting cards or gifts to express affection.

a) - , sending b) the, to send c) - , of sending d) the, sending

14. she risks … everything if she follows his advice. it’s not worth … .

a) to lose, taking b) losing, to take c) losing, taking d) to lose, to take

15. i don’t remember … you here before.

a) to see b) having seen c) that i saw d) to have seen

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


1. a

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. a

7. c

8. b

9. c

10. b

11. b

12. c

13. c

14. a

15. b


ответ: иди на х у й



my mother every day lay the table.were you last summer in moscow.he is from london.she tomorrow will answer calls phone.larry did not go to his grandmother yesterday.he do the up wont washing tomorrow.jane speak does french and english.

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