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it is well known that the “wise men” in the bible “came from the east”. mr bullet came from the east, too, so he was a wise man; and what is more – mr bullet was an editor. the only occasion on which he was not wise was when, leaving in the east, he came to the city of alexander-the-great-o-nopolis (nopolis) in the west.

but i must be fair and say that when he made up his mind to stay in that town, he thought that no newspaper and no editor were there in that part of the country. when he started the newspaper, he expected to have no competition. i'm sure mr bullet would never think of going to nopolis if he didn’t know that there lived a gentleman named john smith. john smith was an editor who for many years had quietly grown fat editing the  alexander-the -\great-o-nopolis daily news.

so mr bullet decided that he would live in nopolis. he opened an office exactly opposite that of the  daily news.  in the third morning after his arrival the first issue of the  nopolis teapot  appeared. the leading article was excellent and shocking at the same time. it was strong about things in general and it was especially strong about mr smith. some of bullet's words were really so strong that i do not know how john smith managed to live through the experience. i cannot hope to give all the  nopolis teapot's  words exactly, but one paragraph goes like this:

oh, yes! oh, we can see! oh, no doubt! the editor opposite is such a clever man. oh, dear! oh, goodness! what is the world coming to?

the article exploded like a bomb among the citizens of nopolis. groups of exited people met to discuss it on street corners. everyone waited nervously for john smith's reply. next morning it appeared in the  daily news  as follows:

in the teapot of yesterday we find the words oh, yes! oh, we can see! oh, no doubt! the editor opposite is such a clever man. oh, dear! oh, goodness! why the man is all o? we really do not believe that the man can write the word that hasn’t an o in it. probably this o-ing is his habit. he came from the east in a great hurry. probably he took a great sum of money in the place he had lived in and could not pay. oh, it is pitiful!

mr bullet did not seem to be angry at the attack of his honesty. it was the attack on his style that made him feel unhappy. what! he, mr bullet, was not able to write a word without an o in it! he would soon show mr smith that he was mistaken. yes, he would let mr smith see that he, mr bullet, could write a whole paragraph – even a whole article – in which that letter did not appear. but no! that would be just what mr john smith wanted. he, mr bullet, would make  no  change in his style! the o for ever! he would keep the o. he would use o whenever he liked.

mr bullet sat up all night and wrote an article with the letter o in each word. he handed his article to printer's boy who was waiting, and walked slowly home to bed.

(after  x-ing a paragraph  by edgar alan poe)

2  mr bullet came to nopolis from the east.

true 2) false 3) not stated

3  mr bullet closed his office in the place he had lived in before.

true 2) false 3) not stated

4  the  nopolis teapot  was the little of the newspaper mr bullet started in nopolis/

true 2) false 3) not stated

5  the first article that mr bullet published criticized john smith for being fat.

true 2) false 3) not stated

6  the people of nopolis liked to read the  daily news  a lot.

true 2) false 3) not stated

7  in his article john smith wrote that mr bullet was not an honest man.

true 2) false 3) not stated

8  mr bullet was angry at the attack on his style of writing.

true 2) false 3) not stated

9  mr bullet's final decision was to write an article in which the letter o would not appear at all.

true 2) false 3) not stated

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