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4activate look at the photo of the helicopter
rescue and follow the steps in the writing
o writing guide
a task
imagine that you took the photo of the
helicopter rescue. write a story with the title a
brave rescue.
b think and plan
1 when and where did the rescue happen?
2 what happened to the person on the
3 how did the rescuers know about the
4 why was the rescue dangerous?
5 how did the rescue end?
c write
paragraph 1: introduction
the rescue
paragraph 2: the people and the rescue
there was / there were
paragraph 3: the end and your opinion
the rescuers
d check
• when, while, as soon as
• there was, there were
• past simple and past continuous verbs
• linking words

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Ответы на вопрос:

history is more interesting than literature for me.

geography is more difficult than history for me.

draw is easier than maths.

english is less interesting than russian for me.

history is less difficult than maths for me.

liretature is easier than chemistry.

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