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A. – употребить слова в скобках в пропусках: (subject, difficult, count, outdoors, by the way, join, yet, easy, over). 1)we are going to the museum. 2) his favourite is handicraft. 3)he can't 4)is this – no, it isn’t. it’ 5)the lesson is you may go out. 6) children like to b. – употребить слова в скобках в пропусках: (to study, important, luck, outdoors, maths, over, leave). 1) i like to play different 2) the film let's go home. a . 4) when did canada? 5) see you tomorrow. 6) do you переписать в грамматический справочник, выполнить и перевести: ex. 2 a. – выбрать правильный вариант: 1) last week i late for maths. a) were b) am c) was d) shall be 2) the pupils always art once a week. a) had b) are having c) has d) have 3) where he leave last month? a) does b) is c) did d) was 4) now she handicraft. a) has b) is having c) had d) will have b. – закончить разделительный вопрос: 1) не can 2) she comes to school at 8 o'clock every 3) they haven't got a 4) i went to the cinema 5) we shall dance 6) she isn't a

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. has found2. did you spend3. have you seen

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