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1. translate from russian into english: 1. вчера мы ходили на футбольный матч. 2.к шести часам папа пришёл домой, и в шесть часов мы ужинали. 3. когда я увидел аню, она читала книгу, которая взяла в школьной библиотеке. 4. дождь закончился, и солнце ярко светило. 5. телеграмма пришла до того, как он ушёл.

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Ответы на вопрос:


we went to a football game yesterday. 2.at six o'clock papa came home, and at six o'clock we had supper. 3. when i saw anya, she was reading a book she had borrowed from the school library. 4. the rain had stopped and the sun was shining brightly. 5. the telegram came before he left


ответ: 1yesterday we went to a football match   2. by six o’clock dad came home, and at six o’clock we had dinner.   3. when i saw anya, she was reading a book she had tak skool librari 4. the rain ended and the sun shone brightly. 4. the rain ended and the sun shone brightly.   5. the telegram arrived before he left.


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