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Образуйте причастие i от глаголов, данных в скобках, и переведите предложения на язык.
1. civil law is a law (to relate) to the rights and duties of individuals, organizations, and associations (such as companies, trade unions, and charities) as opposed to criminal law.
2. judges have different titles (to depend) on their experience, training and level.
3. all cases (to deal) with goods, property, debt repayment, breach of contract are subject to civil procedure law.
4. (to travel) in central africa, the explorers got acquainted with the customs of its peoples.
5. (to classify) national legal systems scholars also define legal families and groups of legal families.
6. (to speak) about the existing legal systems we should mention the international law as a comparatively new legal community.
7. while (to consult) a client, a lawyer should always be efficient and professional.
8. (to follow) your advice we’ll succeed in this case.
9. (to compare, to contrast, and to qualify) these two cases we’ve come
to the conclusion that their essence is very similar.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1) relating 2) depending 3) dealing 4) travelling 5) classifying

6) speaking 7) consulting 8) following 9) comparing, contrasting and qualifying


1.  -  what will  you be  doing at about 9 o'clock tonight? -  i don't know yet. probably i will be  watching television. 2 - what are  you  thinking about? -  my brother. i often  think about him these days. 3. when i was younger, i  preferred bananas to all fruits, but now i  eat only citrous fruits. 4. yesterday evening, when my sister and i were  doing our homework, the telephone rang. i  answered it and  heard a strange voice. 5. could you give me a lift? not today, i am  not driving, i'm  going by bus. sorry. 6. tomorrow after classes john will be  working in the library. he usually  goes to the library after classes. he  prepares for his exams.

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