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1speaking where are you planning to? name the planet?
2what will you do if you see aliens or some u nu dual ani mals?

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: во первых , вопросы записаны не совсем корректно: where are you planning to..go? name the planet

if i had an ability to live on the different planet i would definitely choose mars. i think that this planet has the best conditions and nowadays we already have different researches about mars.

2)what will you do if you see aliens or some unusual animals?

this is a really interesting question . i think that i wouldn't be scared of it, because i have seen a lot of films about aliens and read comics about it.


Пушкин был   знаментит   своими поэмами.озеро байкал знаменито своей красотой.уральские горы знамениты всему миру как одни из древнейших гор на нашей голубой планете.любовь орлова знаменитая советская актриса.гагарин был знаменитым космонавтом. pushkin was znamenitym their poems.lake baikal is famous for its beauty.the ural mountains are famous worldwide as some of the oldest mountains on our blue planet.lyubov orlova famous soviet actress.gagarin was a famous astronaut.

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