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choose the correct narrative tenses to complete in
omplete the sentences below.
all night.
1-i told john not to drive, because he
a. drank
b. was drinking
c. had drunk
d. had been drinking
2-why did you change the channel? i _
that movie.
a. watched
b. was watching
c. had watched
d. had been watching. быстро ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 задание

1с 2а 3d 4b

2 задание

bad-worse-the worst

wonderful- more wonderful-the most wonderful

hot-hotter-the hottest

3 задание

Mary plays computer games every day.

He is listening to music now.

Вона любить малювати картини з квітами

У мого кузина Марка новий комп*ютер

У мого однокласника Боба є папуга


Популярно: Английский язык