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"написати твір про цікаву історію з власного життя з нотками стрессу, жаху, епіку на ійській мові" ​

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original collectors and hunters. scientists believe that the ancestors of the first people were monkeys, which, under the influence of external causes - climate, struggle for survival, labor - gradually acquired human rice.

the first human ancestors lived in warm lands. for example, in east africa they appeared more than 2 million years ago, they are also called primitive people.

these people did not know how to speak and communicate with each other through a variety of sounds. the brain in them was developed better than the monkey, but, of course, not like the modern man.

primitive people could not survive alone, so united in small groups - primitive herds. looking for food. they collected edible fruits, herbs, roots, insects, ie, they were engaged in harvesting. people did not know the metals: they needed knives, axes, chopped - primitive tools - made of stone or with a stone, so when they lived, called the stone age.


чому тобі просто не пошукати в інтернеті тут всеодно з інтернету напишуть

we ( are reading) now.

the children often ( play ) board games .

the baby ( is sleeping) at the moment.

my sister (is playing) board games now.

he (does not go) on hikes in winter.

they (like) going on trips.

my brother (isnot taking) photos now.

the baby (is not sleeping) at the moment.

is he ( reading) now?

are your sisters ( sleeping) now?

doyou (   go) to school on saturdays?

does he (   go) to a camp every summer?

are you ( working) now?

what are …you ( doing) now?

when does he ( get ) up?

who usually ( helps ) your mum with housework?

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