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(20 , прошу, не будьте равнодушны, когда появятся я больше, просто

1. read these sentences and write 5 correct forms of the verb (future simple, present continuous, present simple, to be going to) with a comma


все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. нумеровать формы не нужно.

example 0. sam sold his computer. he ) a new one.

answer 0. is going to buy

1. the english lesson (start) at 8: 45.

2. i (see) my sister in april.

3. i hope i (go) to the usa.

4. tomorrow my parents and i (fly) to paris.

5. it's so hot in the room. i (switch) on the air conditioner.

2.read these sentences and write 5 correct forms (future simple, present continuous, present simple, to be going to) with a comma


все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. нумеровать формы не нужно. в ответе должны быть использованы все слова, стоящие в скобках.

example 0. sam sold his computer. he ) a new one.

answer 0. is going to buy

1. i think the weather (be) fine on sunday.

2. lisa has sold her car. she (buy) a bike.

3. what time (the show/begin)?

4. i know you (meet) your friends tonight. can i join?

5. these boxes are so heavy. (you/carry) them for me, please?

3. read these sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. write down five prepositions with comma


все предлоги нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. нумеровать слова не нужно.

1. the rent went last month. it is very expensive to rent this house now.

2. go i am listening to you.

3. i'm looking sam. have you seen him?

4. these earrings go really well your blouse.

5. are you looking to christmas holidays?

4. read these sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in the past simple or past continuous. write three verb forms with a comma


все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. нумеровать ответы не нужно.

example 0. we ) milan last week.

example 1. they (read) a book the whole evening.

answer: visited, were reading

1. the students (play) cards all day.

2. sally (buy) a new computer three days ago.

3. i (sleep) at 11 o’clock last night.

5.read these sentences and write the correct verbs using zero and first conditional. write down three forms with a comma


все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. нумеровать ответы не нужно.

example 0. if the weather is fine, i ) to the park today.

example 1. when she ) to the park, she always meets her friends there.

answer: will go, goes

1. steve often buys expensive gadgets, if he (go) shopping.

2. if your car (break) down, you will have to call the mechanic.

3. if we (surf) the internet, we will find a lot of information about this pop star.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1. going

2. breakfast

3. surfing


не факт что правильно


Going to start , i going to see , will go , will fly , going to switch .

Two video games were bought by nina. the book will be given me by dad. the box has been opened by cats.

Популярно: Английский язык