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Выберите правильбариант,
1. where (am/are/is/do) you from?
2. she often (to play/plays is playing ) cards.
3. where (does/do/is/has) she live?
4. he doesn't have dinner al 6 o'clock, (does helhasn't hel haven't heldon't he) ?
5. - do you often see jane?
- not often, but i (see/saw/have seen/seen) her at the office two days ago.
6. next month she (will be/will deing/be/shall be) 25 years old.
7. five hundred years ago they (& rink no/drunk no/didn't drink) tea.
8.- what is the weather like in winter in siberia?
- it usually (snow/snows/snowed) a lot and it
9. i think it (am/will be was) suriny tomorrow.
10.i didn't go to the theatre yesterday, because i (be/am/was/were) very busy.
11. they already (read/have read/read) this article.
12. they (read/have read/read the article 3 days ago

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.has called us 2.have ate lunch 3.has took 4.has been 5.have spent 6.has seen

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