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read these words and choose the right translation. write down three words with a comma
1. разочарованный, расстроенный, не верящий в свои силы –
2. удивленный –
3. нервный –

read these sentences and choose the correct word. write the words with a comma

frustrated, impatient, proud, nervous, shocked

1. i am of my mum. she is the best doctor in our city.
2 she wants to get presents right now. she is .
3. my grandpa gets sometimes when he can't remember important dates or names.
4. the exams are coming and i feel really
5. when my brother heard his ex-girlfriend was going out with his friend, he was

match the beginning of the sentence (1-8) with the ending (a-h). write down 8 combinations of numbers and letters with a comma
1. he was very proud when
2. he was very jealous when
3. he was very happy when
4 he was very angry when
5. he was very sad when
6. he was very frightened when
7. he was so bored when
8. he felt so guilty when

a. someone stole his money.
b. his father appeared on tv with the prime minister.
c. he heard that his aunt had died.
d. he saw those big dogs running towards him.
e. he got an expensive watch for his birthday.
f. his best friend went out with the girl he really liked.
g. he had to lie to his parents.
h. girls talked about lipsticks and all that stuff.

open the brackets using past simple or past continuous. write five forms with a comma don't write full sentences.
1. he (to leave) the bank, when the thieves (to take) his money.
2. at half past four yesterday we (to have) dinner.
answer: was leaving, took, were having
1. (to watch) tv at ten o'clock yesterday.
2. i (to go) to bed at nine o'clock yesterday.
3. i (to finish) my homework at nine o'clock yesterday.
4. he (to read) a newspaper when i (to come) in.
open the brackets using past simple or past continuous. write five forms with a comma don't write full sentences.
1. he (to leave) the bank, when the thieves (to take) his money.
2. at half past four yesterday we (to have) dinner.
answer: was leaving, took, were having
1. he (to put) on his coat and cap, (to open) the door and (to go) out.
2. when i (to come) to the theatre, my friend (to wait) for me.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Номер 1
1 frustrated
номер 2
1 shocked
2 impatient
3 frustrated
5 proud
номер 3
1 в
2 f
3 e
4 a
5 c
6 d
8 g
номер 4
1 was watching
2 went
3 finished
4 was reading, came
номер 5
1 put, opened, went
2 came, was waiting

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