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Review o unit 4
1 match the words in the box with sentences 1-8.
ambitious sensitive cheerful tolerant
serious generous mean curious
1 she always gives things to her friends,
2 he wants to play football for his country.
3 she doesn't laugh very much.
4 my parents never give me any pocket money.
5 be careful what you say to her.
6 he smiles and laughs all the time.
7 my parents never stop me doing things.
8 she always wants to know everything
about everyone
5 complete the text with the present perfector
the past simple form of the verbs in brackets,
britney spears and justin )
friends for a long time. they first? (meet)
on a tv show when britney was elevenwhen
they were younger, they ) on a
talent show. theyº__ (not win), but since then
theys_(become) celebrities. in their careers.
they _ (have) a lot of hits. justin? (have)
his first hit in 1998 and britney's first number
one_ (be) in 1999. they are good friends
today and they _ (appear) together recently
on tv and at concerts.
2 make adjectives from these nouns.
1 style
5 fame
2 skill
6 creativity
3 luck
7 independence
4 talent
8 strength
6 complete the dialogue with the words in the box
incredibly good-looking pity a bit
tends short looks guy
language focus
3 complete the dialogue with the words
in the box.
nurai what's your brother like?
saule he can be ! _shy.
nurai who's the with him? the tall guy
with the '_hair
saule oh, that's yerbol. what about him?
nurai heº__ really nice.
saule he is
s nice, but he _to be a bit
nurai he doesn't look serious. and he's very
( just yet (x2) already still (x2) for since
yes, and the girl with the long fair
hair is his girlfriend.
that's a i never mind.
have you done all your homework
no, there's too much! i've worked
on it? _ 8 p.m., but i haven't
finished it.
have you finished the maths
yes, i've 5_ done them, but16_
haven't finished my english essay.
well, i've ? _written the essay, but i
haven't done the maths exercises.
i've worked on them & _an hour,
but i can't do them.
i know! i'll help you with the maths
exercises and you can help me with
the essay
good idea!
7 211 listen and choose the correct words.
1 in 1948, ludwig guttmann organised a
sports event for his friends / patients.
2 the first official paralympic games took
place in 1960 in rome / london.
3 since 1960, athletes from about 50 / 160
countries have taken part in the paraympics.
4 zulfiya gabidullina is a paralympic
powerlifter / swimmer.
5 raushan koishibayeva has won a silver /
gold paralympic medal.
4 order the words to make sentences.
1 studied /long/you/ how / have / english/?
2 visited / yet/l/the usa/ haven't
3 an interview / he/just / has / given
4 they / 2015 / lived / in canada/have/ since
5 brother/l/met / still / your / haven't
6 lived / for /they/twenty / here / have / years
review unit 4​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the work of a barrister is more interesing than the work of  a solicitor. работа барристера (адвоката) интереснее, чем работа юрисконсульта.  2. the witness is taller than her sister.  свидетельница выше, чем ее сестра.3. murder is more dangerous than shoplifting.убийство опаснее, чем воровство в магазинах.4. this juror is wiser than that one.этот свидетель мудрее, чем (вон) тот (свидетель).5. barristers advise on more difficult matters than solicitors.барристеры (адвокаты) консультируют по более сложным делам, чем юрисконсульты.6. there are fewer barristers than solicitors in the uk.в великобритании меньше барристеров (адвокатов), чем юрисконсультов.7. i think criminal law is more interesting than constitutional law.я думаю, что уголовное право интереснее, чем конституционное право.8. appeals can be taken to a higher court.апелляции могут быть поданы в вышестоящий суд.9. the crown court deals with more serious cases than  the magistrates’ court.суд короны работает с более серьезными делами, чем суд магистратов.

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