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Ancient times, hanging, lantern, grand, start out, fiery,
ribbon, kaleidoscope, sharp, high-pitched, crowd,
gather, fall in love with, acrobatics, emotion, gallop,
whip, somersault, reveal, loyalty, bravery, warrior,
wild, cruelty

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Ответы на вопрос:


древние времена, повешение, фонарь, великий, начало, огненный, лента, калейдоскоп, острый, пронзительный, толпа, собирать, влюбиться в, акробатика, эмоции, галоп, кнут, сальто, раскрыть, верность, храбрость, воин дикий, жестокость


всё по порядку

One year ago i had a toothache. at first i tried not to pay attention to the toothache. but the pain was getting stronger. i went to the apothecary to release the pain. but the pills didn't help. after two days the pain became even stronger. and i decided to go to the hospital to the dentist. he told me, that i had the flux. and he cured it.

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