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Кто знает, как это решить,
ii. choose the correct answer.

nick is strong. he lift this box.

a. must b. can c. could d. have to

2. in many countries all children attend elementary school.

a. must b. could c. have to d. can

3. i didn't come to the party yesterday because i study.

a. could b. must c. have to d. had to

4. dogs bark.

a. must b. could c. can d. have to

5. i speak to jimmy?

a. must b. can c. could d. have to

6. people eat in order to live.

a. could b. must c. can d. have to

7. in order to be a good shop-assistant, you be rude to customers.

a. can't b. don't have to c. couldn't d. mustn't

8. she isn't very clever. she answer your question.

a. can b. mustn't c. can't d. has to

9. if he wants to become a good specialist, he study well.

a. must b. has to c. could d. can

10. annie is busy. i take message?

a. have to b. can c. must d. could

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Ответы на вопрос:


You are so tired and dirty.

What *have you been doing*? (Pr. Perfect Continuous)

I *have been painting* the walls of my room for 5 hours already. (Pr. Perfect Continuous)

But I *haven't finished* yet. (Pr. Perfect)

How long *have you been working* in this firm? (Pr. Perfect Continuous)

He *hasn't been sleeping* for 10 hours. (Pr. Perfect Continuous)

*Has she ever been* to Africa? (Pr. Perfect)

*Have they already done* their homework?

(Pr. Perfect)

Who * has broken* the window? (Pr. Perfect)

What *have they eaten* today? (Pr. Perfect)

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