Есть ответ 👍

Закончите предложения,используя there is/are.
book on the shelf
house in the yard
in the hall
students in the room
lamp,a pencil and two pens on the table
telephone in the corridor
college in our street
apples on the plate
group mates in the class
lot of money in the bank
mistakes in my test
disc in my lap top
boys in our group
water in the bottle

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


1) there is

2) there is

3) there are

4) there are

5 there are

6) there is

7) there is

8) there are

9) незнаю

10) there are

11) there are

12) there is

13) there are

14) there are


1)there is

2)there is

3)there are

4)there are

5)there is

6)there is

7)there is

8)there are

9)there are

10)there are

11)there are

12)there is

13)there are

14)there is


я смотрел по критериям : "ед.ч. или мн.ч."

то есть по окончанию или a lot of, many and group - это мн.ч., остальное ед.ч.

Psn what will be your life in 20 years? what will you? where are you you will live? within three minutes of recording in a notebook as much as possible the prediction of his life 20 years later. english writing.

Популярно: Английский язык