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Как прочитать с словами i have got a ship.i have not a dish.i have got a flower.i have not got a tower.

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- у меня есть корабль.

- у меня нет тарелки.

- у меня есть цветок.

- у меня нет башни.

4,6(66 оценок)


ай хэйв гот э шип. ай хэйв нот э диш. ай хэйвгот э фловер. ай хэйвнотэ товер.

1.maybe we'll goto the volga.2.maybeit will come tomorrow.3.maybei'll buythis bookin moscow.4.perhaps shewould sendus a telegram.5.perhaps theyforgetto bringa newspaper.6.perhaps mybrotherforgot tocall you.7.perhapsshe had alreadyboughtthe tickets.8.perhaps hehas already madelessons.9.maybe mysister had alreadytalked tothem.10.perhaps theyhave gone abroad.11.maybemy grandmotherwas asleep.12.maybe the kidsare playingby the river.13.perhaps they areright now,astimediscussing this issue.14.perhaps they areright now,aslunch.15.maybe heis now lyingon the grassand lookingat the clouds.

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