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Мне нужно написать сочинение про моего питомца на (желательно с переводом) на завтра! если что моего питомца зовут барсик, он рыжий кот с карие глазами, пушистый. добрый кот, любит поласкаться.

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my pet's name is barsik. he is a red cat with brown eyes, fluffy. very are a good a, likes cuddle


my pet's name is barsik. he is a red cat with brown eyes, fluffy. very are a good a, likes cuddle


ok. today i want to tell you about my pet – barsik. he is a cat. he has got red coat color. barsik has got brown eyes. his fur(шёрстка) is very soft(мягкая) and fluffy(пушистая). my cat loves to be caressed(ласкаться) and stroked(гладить). barsik also like to play with some toys.cat likes to eat dry food, fresh meat and fish. barsik drinks water and sometimes milk.

barsik is very kind(добрый) and sweet(милый).

p.s. sweet можно заменить на cute(тоже как милый переводится).

не знаю что есть твой кот, поэтому написала так. если хочешь, можешь изменить что нибудь. вот ещё пример кошачьей еды:

паштет – pate

рагу мясное – meat stew

сметана – sour-cream

The table was reserved, that's why we didn't have to wait. it was such a beautiful cake that everyone wanted to take picture of it. she has got so many flowers that it takes her too much time to water them. somebody took my  documents and as a result i couldn't read them on time. all flights were cancelled because of the fog consequently we were kept at the airport.

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