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Listen to the tape about jane's hobby and answer if these statements are true or false.


books have always been very important. people need books for studying and they read them for pleasure too. however, that's true that people of my age read books less than our parents and grandparents did. i think it's because the world has changed — we get information from different sources, not only from books like in our grandparents' times.

now we have tv, radio and the internet where we can almost certainly find any information in seconds. another reason for reading less is the lack of free time. our life is very busy and it's not easy to find a couple of hours for reading a book.

however, in spite of the lack of time i can't do without reading and that's why i use my electronic book a lot. i often read on buses, trains or when i have to wait for someone or something. i think that an electronic book is much more convenient than a traditional paper book. an e-book is a small device but it contains lots of texts. it's easy to use because it opens at the exact place i stopped reading it last time. i've got dozens of traditional books in my e-book.

most of my books are science fiction because that is my favourite genre. i also like historical novels and i enjoy reading science articles which i download from the internet. i don't really think that people will ever stop reading but books may change a lot and probably very soon traditional paper books will be only in museums.


jane white


1.  jane white thinks that people of her age read books less than their people did.

2.  jane white thinks that nowadays people can get the information only from books.

3.  jane white thinks that one of the reasons for reading less is the lack of free time.

4.  jane white thinks that people always can find a couple of hours to read books.

5.  jane white doesn't have an electronic book. that's why she can't use it.

6.  jane white doesn't like to read texts in the electronic book.

7.  jane's favorite genre is science fiction.

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Сначала был орден меченосцев, затем ливонский орден, швеция, великое княжество литовское

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